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Pixiu Bracelet: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Wear It

Pixiu Bracelet: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Wear It

Pixiu, a legendary Chinese creature, is believed to bestow good fortune and prosperity upon those who wear it. Frequently fashioned into jewelry, Pixiu is thought to offer a myriad of advantages to the wearer.
This article delves into the significance of the Pixiu bracelet, its advantages, and the proper way to don it for wealth attraction. Explore the implications of wearing Pixiu as a bracelet, ring, or pendant in the sections below.


Pixiu Meaning

Pixiu stands as a potent feng shui emblem representing prosperity. Referred to as the "fortune beast" in Chinese traditions, it is widely held that adorning Pixiu invites prosperity and luck into one's life. This mystical entity is believed to safeguard individuals from financial loss while also offering protection against negative energies and malevolent forces.

Pixiu Bracelet Meaning

Adorning a Pixiu bracelet on your left hand symbolizes your readiness to attract its wealthy energies. According to feng shui principles, the left hand is linked to receiving beneficial energies, rendering it the preferred hand for sporting such a talisman.

The Pixiu Dragon in Chinese Legends

In Chinese culture, the Pixiu dragon, sometimes referred to as Piyao, is a legendary creature with various stylizations, such as Pi Xiu or Pi Yao.
According to ancient tales, Pixiu resembles a lion-like beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a lion. Depictions often show it with wings, the foot of a Quilin, or the horn of a deer.
Several myths surround this auspicious creature. In one narrative, Pixiu is portrayed as the divine offspring of the revered Dragon King.
Another legend depicts Pixiu as the favored creature of the Tai Sui, the Grand Duke of Jupiter. Offending the Tai Sui in feng shui is believed to bring misfortune, sickness, and calamity. Wearing Piyao is thought to appease the Grand Duke and safeguard against negative events.
However, the most renowned tale recounts Pixiu's encounter with the Jade Emperor. In this story, Piyao feeds on precious materials like gold, silver, and jewels. During a visit to the Jade Emperor, Pixiu's misstep of defecating within the palace led to a divine punishment—its: her anus was sealed, preventing it from releasing the riches it consumed.
By symbolizing wealth through its inability to dispel valuable treasures, Pixiu is revered in feng shui as a guardian and magnet for wealth, believed to attract and safeguard prosperity for its possessor.

Feng Shui Pixiu: How to Differentiate Male and Female?

Within Pixiu mythology, there exist two distinct genders: the male Pixiu, known as Tiān lù, and the female Pixiu, referred to as Bìxié.
Differentiation between them lies in the number of antlers they possess. The male Pixiu, characterized by a single antler, is associated with treasure hunting, scouring the world for riches. On the other hand, the female Pixiu, recognizable by two antlers, is tasked with safeguarding wealth and shielding against misfortune, particularly in relation to the Tai Sui in feng shui practices.
While contemporary Pixiu jewelry often features a singular gender, there are bracelets available that incorporate both male and female Pixiu. These combined bracelets aim to attract and fortify wealth, with each gender playing a specific role in enhancing prosperity. In the current market, double Pixiu bracelets typically depict the amulets as male and female, symbolizing a harmonious union for wealth attraction and preservation.

Benefits of Pixiu Bracelets

  1. Wealth Attraction: Wearing Pixiu symbolizes attracting wealth luck, aiding in money-making endeavors and wealth accumulation according to feng shui beliefs.
  2. Wealth Protection: Pixiu is renowned for safeguarding wealth, especially when both male and female symbols are worn together, shielding against financial losses and negative financial influences.
  3. Spiritual Shield: Believed to offer spiritual protection, Pixiu wards off evil spirits, unwanted energies, and the negative effects of Tai Sui, preventing accidents, illnesses, and harm.
  4. Health Promotion: Pixiu bracelets are thought to contribute to good health by shielding the wearer from illnesses and enhancing vitality.
  5. Career Enhancement: Wearing a Pixiu bracelet is said to support career progression and business success, aiding in achieving professional aspirations and boosting one's career status.
  6. Harmony and Serenity: Associated with fostering harmony and peace, Pixiu bracelets promote improved relationships and mental equilibrium.
  7. Spiritual Inspiration: For those on a spiritual path, Pixiu is believed to inspire spiritual growth, aiding in meditation practices and elevating spiritual awareness.

How to Wear Pixiu

As a feng shui enhancer, Pixiu adheres to specific guidelines to activate its powers.
Here, we will guide you on how to wear a Pixiu bracelet, ring, and necklace, along with the proper placement for your Piyao statue.

Pixiu Bracelet

Which hand to wear: It is recommended to wear the Pixiu bracelet on your left hand.

According to feng shui principles, "The left is for receiving, the right is for giving."
For optimal wealth energy reception, wear auspicious symbols like the Pixiu bracelet on your left hand. Ensure that Pixiu's head faces outward toward your little finger, symbolizing its active pursuit of treasure and wealth energies from your surroundings.

To enhance the powers of your Pixiu:

  • Nourish it with valuable items like coins and gemstones.
  • Wear it consistently to establish a bond with Pixiu.
  • Avoid wearing it when engaging in activities like using the bathroom or intimate moments.
  • Gently stroke its body for connection, avoiding contact with its eyes and mouth.
  • Maintain exclusivity by not letting others handle your Pixiu.

Taking Care of Pixiu

Regularly interact with it by gently touching its body, akin to petting a dog, to establish a connection as its master. Avoid touching its eyes and mouth, crucial for its wealth-seeking abilities.
Provide sustenance by placing the amulet in a silver bowl filled with valuables like coins and gemstones.
Maintain its appearance by keeping the charm polished, free of dust, and clean.
Ensure you cleanse Pixiu periodically to revitalize its energy and maintain its potency.


Pixiu serves as a potent symbol for wealth attraction and protection against negativity, making it a favored charm for prosperity seekers.
Available in various forms, like bracelets, rings, pendants, necklaces, and statues, each piece can be strategically worn or placed in your living space for enhanced benefits.
Before acquiring your own Pixiu, familiarize yourself with the materials used in each item, as they carry distinct meanings and resonances that may vary in effectiveness for individuals.
To maximize Pixiu's effectiveness, ensure regular care by engaging with it, maintaining cleanliness and shine, and performing periodic cleansings. Understand proper disposal methods to avoid inviting ill fortune when necessary.